A unique participatory initiative that brings together economic actors and civil society around a common goal: to accelerate the transition of the economy to a sustainable model for all.
Businesses are at the heart of the transition
As they are an essential link in the fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity, it is essential that companies together provide responses commensurate with the environmental challenge.
An inclusive and participatory three-step process
Independent and inclusive, the Grand Défi wishes to reconcile the general interest and
the constraint of the companies by bringing together the views of the actors
of the economy and civil society through a three-phaseprocess of collective intelligence.
Increasing impact by bringing together a large number of actors
Business networks, trade unions, associations and institutions, scientists, managers, students or citizens: the Grand Défi brings together a great diversity of actors who reinforce its legitimacy and contribute to its deployment.
The Grand Défi is committed to formulating 100 priority action proposals
Three types of measures
- Internal to the company: concrete, strategic and operational measures.
- Cross-cutting: trajectories and benchmarks, progress indicators, impact measures...
- External to the company: public policy proposals.
Three levels of application
- Ownership and implementation of measures by companies internally.
- Adaptation of education, research and training programmes.
- Regulatory and legislative adjustments.
The founders and spokespersons: Virginie Raisson-Victor & Jérôme Cohen.