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THE CONTRIBUTIVE ENTERPRISE Reconciling business and global limits

THE CONTRIBUTIVE ENTERPRISE Reconciling business and global limits

Source: L'Entreprise Contributive - Dunod

Environment, climate, society: facing the emergency, a committed manifesto, concrete paths and current and inspiring examples to redefine a policy of positive global contribution of companies to society.
L'Entreprise contributive aims to reveal the evidence for action. It aims to be the first book to provide the keys to reinventing the company so that it can contribute to the materiality of the "next world".


Preface by Marie Ferté, Mathis Perdriau and Angel Prieto,
members of the collective Pour un réveil écologique

Preliminary to the walk in the world of the contributory enterprise.
Alignment with scientific facts.
The raison d'être at the service of the common good.
The contributory business model.
The management system based on perceived value.
Valuing the intangible.

Discover the interview with Cécile Puff Ardichvili and Fabrice Bonnifet: here
Interview with Farbice Bonnifet and Cécile Puff Ardichvili

Fabrice Bonnifet is very involved in the company that employs him, with students and elsewhere, a driving force among his peers and others, an actor by action and example. Fabrice is the CSR and QSE Director of the Bouygues Group, President of the Collège des Directeurs du Développement Durable (C3D) and administrator of the Shift Project. @Fbonnifet

Céline Puff ArdichviliCéline Puff Ardichvili, who "fell into it" when she was a child, is a multi-recidivist in both sustainable development and communication. She campaigns for a more responsible form of communication, by diffusion and by contagion. Céline is co-founder of the Look Sharp consulting agency. @CelinePuffArdi

For more information, see the Contributory Enterprise Blog: https: //

INfluencia Book Award - The Good, November 2021

Environment, climate, society: facing the emergency, a committed manifesto, concrete paths and current and inspiring examples to redefine a policy of positive global contribution of companies to society. L'Entreprise contributive aims to reveal the evidence for action. It aims to be the first book to provide the keys to reinventing the company so that it can contribute to the materiality of the "next world".

"Have Fabrice and Céline succeeded in defining the ideal company, i.e. a contributing one? The reader will be the judge, but one thing is certain: it is urgent to find the recipe!"
Jean-Marc Jancovici, President, The Shift Project

"Giving meaning to your life is not the monopoly of the Greta generation. By opening this book, you will open your eyes: the solutions are on the table, help yourself!"
Jean-Dominique Siegel,co-founder, WE DEMAIN

"This book expresses a vision and a conception of business as it should be and should inspire us all"
Eric Scotto, President, Akuo Energy

"This book is a major work and will be a reference by giving the tools
to entrepreneurs, financiers, employees and citizens to think about and engage
in the transitions that will enable us to move towards a more sustainable and inclusive society."
Fanny Picard, President and Founder of Alter Equity

"For a contributory transformation of companies, managers must
mobilise each level: shareholders, employees, stakeholders,
regulators and public decision-makers. This book helps to raise awareness,
before a common reference framework changes things in a sustainable way."
Éva Sadoun, co-president of the Impact France Movement

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